
2nd National Division (men)

We are looking for further players for our first woman's team. We have a young team currently in 4th national devision outdoor and 2nd devision indoor.


Coaching opportunities

Coaching opportunities can be offered in youth teams of the club if language proficiency is sufficient.


Jobs in various fields can be offered depending on interests, previous education and training.

More vacancies for TTK Sachsenwald

  • Attacker

    TTK Sachsenwald

    Wohltorf, Germany

    We are looking for further players for our first woman's team. We have a young team currently in 4th national devision outdoor and 2nd devision indoor.

    Posted 2 months ago - 22 hours left
  • Midfielder

    TTK Sachsenwald

    Wohltorf, Germany

    We are looking for further players for our first woman's team. We have a young team currently in 4th national devision outdoor and 2nd devision indoor.

    Posted 2 months ago - 4 days left
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