
Top Division (women)

We are looking for new players for our team that plays the top of the championship of France. we have a superb young and talented team. we can accommodate you and you will receive money to play and train. opportunity to study French and work alongside hockey join us

Required Skills

Pc drag flick


More vacancies for Douai HC

  • Attacker

    Douai HC

    douai, France

    We are looking for new players for our team that plays the top of the championship of France. we have a superb young and talented team. we can accommodate you and you will receive money to play and train. opportunity to study French and work alongside hockey join us

    Posted 3 years ago - 3 years left
  • Goalkeeper

    Douai HC

    douai, France

    We are looking for new players for our team that plays the top of the championship of France. we have a superb young and talented team. we can accommodate you and you will receive money to play and train. opportunity to study French and work alongside hockey join us

    Posted 3 years ago - 3 years left
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