The story behind EHL

2 minutes
The story behind EHL

Club hockey in Europe is becoming more and more competitive. Each competition within the countries is becoming more popular and loved as it brings excitement for the fans and the future teams. The EHL, Euro Hockey League, was started to open the gates for teams from different competitions in different countries in Europe to play against each other. How amazing, to be able to compare and see who the best club teams in Europe are. It is about different styles of hockey, different nationalities, cultures, coaches and teams coming together to display the best hockey in Europe to the rest of the world. But it doesn’t stop there.

The format of the EHL allows for the sport to be taken to the next level. This is not only through cross-media but also through innovation of the sport. The opportunity for the top teams to battle it out against each other only raises the level of the leagues for the following seasons in their respective countries. Hours and hours of hard work that goes into each season allows for the teams to showcase themselves even further on a bigger and grander stage through more spectators, high-quality TV coverage and a broader media and marketing platform.

You don’t have to play hockey to appreciate the sport and that is what EHL has worked towards to allow sports fans, not only hockey fans, to start to understand and fall in love with the speed and excitement that the sport brings. Hockey is full of action. It is fast-paced, takes skill, technique, bravery and determination.