The Olympic dream comes at a price

2 minutes
The Olympic dream comes at a price

It is an achievement to qualify for the Olympics, however, it is not always the easiest road. Going to the Olympics is one of the greatest if not greatest achievements that athletes reach for. The South African Men’s hockey team is doing everything possible to make this dream a reality. The federation has not been able to support the team financially due to a difficult financial climate and the team have had to find alternatives to keep the dream moving forward.

They have been helped greatly by the award-winning platform,, who have helped them start their crowdfunding campaign in order to encourage corporations, fans and the public to support the team in raising the 3.5 million Rands needed to compete at the Tokyo Olympics 2021. The platform allows athletes to grow and reach a global digital environment.

If countries want to become more competitive they need to be challenged and compete against the best in the world. The South African Men’s team is making sure that they do everything to ensure that the future of the sport is not neglected and the pathway for the younger generations is taken care of. Two of our ambassadors Dayaan Cassiem and Mustapha Cassiem are part of the South African Men’s squad. If you want to get behind our ambassadors and the South African Men’s team in reaching their dream, click here

All funds that the squad raise will be divided equally to the team.