We are so excited to announce, the latest version of our Newsfeed is HERE. A great addition to the current newsfeed is now having the ability to filter information. Filter all the news, articles, discussions that interest you. Everything that you find on your newsfeed will be directly related to you. For example: If you are looking for highlights, filter highlights and you will be able to watch them all. If playing abroad interests you, click playing abroad and it will filter it for you. Once you have selected those filters you will be kept up to date with all the latest news.
All hockey-related content that is based on your country will be shown on the feed. All your connections on Scorrd will be linked and shared on your feed. The brands and profiles you follow and connect with will be shown on your feed.
This newsfeed is personalised for you. You have the freedom to write articles, start discussions, post about transfers, put up a poll and create an event. GO GIVE IT A TRY!