In this article, will share some thoughts about how to play effectively on the midfield. How midfielders positioning themselves off the ball, their receiving styles and general behaviour. For a long time I have been fascinated by players like Juan Escarré, Rob Hammond, John-John Dohmen, Tobias Hauke, Sander Baart, Matias Rey and recently for a few upcoming talents such as Ricardo Santana, Victor Wegnez and Jonas de Geus.
The reason for choosing center midfielders is simple and has nothing to do with a personal preference; although this is a concept applicable for every athlete in the field, players that perform in central areas of the field are usually exposed to higher spacial or physical pressure and are also key on the possession, attacking and counter control manoeuvre of their teams.
Management of time/space is the undeniable criteria of ball possession, either on a retaining situation (possession) or an attacking one (penetration). Despite the fact that possession is a collective system, it is always individuals ability to react to every dynamic situation, that will determine the quality of such possession.
The most important area of this subject, is ‘effective positioning’, that means the where and how to receive the ball – In a given situation, which location on the field, body/stick angle and receiving technique will provide ‘maximum availability’ not only to receive the ball but for the intended following action?