
1st Regional Division (women)

We encourage all the boys and girls who come to study in Coruña or Santiago and who are passionate about field field hockey to contact our club to continue playing and getting to know our city through sport, we have already had previous experiences with students from France, Holland, Germany, Great Britain, Argentina ... and we want to continue to have all the boys and girls who want to play with us. Jose Luis 34 639701380 Spain


More vacancies for ATHLETIC CORUÑA H.C.

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    A Coruña, Spain

    We encourage all the boys and girls who come to study in Coruña or Santiago and who are passionate about field field hockey to contact our club to continue playing and getting to know our city through sport, we have already had previous experiences with students from France, Holland, Germany, Great Britain, Argentina ... and we want to continue to have all the boys and girls who want to play with us. Jose Luis 34 639701380 Spain

    Posted 12 months ago - 3 months left
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